Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soutes efetIuallcaling toChrift, vellour ; this is the meanitïgofthat place:tl0fea 2, 14. 1 jai& allot her, and drawher into the wiider . neffé, that is,by preparation, and then 1 will/Jieake eo sfort=bly to her that is, I will fpeake to her heart ;'fo it is in theoriginali t there is a it rode of prevailing áweetneffe of the -grace of God in Chrift, that will be at the roots of the 'wait, that it may give ailewancennto it : nowmarke what followes from hence, and this is the firfi part of' the eifeauall perfwadingof the heart, whenthe heart faith, away with profit, and the world, and all, let me have theLord and his grace; Oh that goes to thebottome of theheart ! hence it is that thefoule thus prevailingly is fweetned wish the goodneffe ofthepromiíe,can tafte nothing in the -world without this; it is nowout oflove with all other things, it had loved and dotedon before molt immoderaeiy, the fweetneífe of the pro mile bath llolne away theheart of a poore firmer, andgotten the good will of the foule to be only for Chrifir, and to have his heart to cicle with Chrift, and tobe nothing in the world without him; this effeCuall perfwading,itis tht meaning. ofthat place : AR. 3. 19. Arsend roar lives, repent and tt,rne,that your finnes,m ly bedone away ; repent and be converted,fhat is,bc trulyprepared in the worke of humiliation; and be converted, that is, have a through heat of theheart forgrace ink vo- cation, that your finnes may be done away in ju- fkification : fo thenwhen the foule is firft hum- bled in preparation,and the heart now all for the Lord Jefils Chritt, and can tafte nothing but Chii,