Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

292 The souks eff44u4 calling to Chrift. Chrilt, and nothing in regard of him, and God bath gottenhis good will, then followerjuftifica. eon, thatyour finnes may be blotted out : this was the pra6ïiceof the repenting Church, when the Lord had hedged her way, and built awall that thecouldnot finde her old lovers , Hof. 2.7. at laft the Church faith, z will re:urne to my firfl husband, for then it was better with me than now as if the Churchhad faid, Oh the mercies ofCod, and the confolation ofChrift, are better than all my delights in finne ! the foulecomes no* to fee a bettering in Chrift 5 Oh to lavemy heart pur- ged, andmy finnes remitted, it werebetter than towallow inmy lufts ftill ! now the heart is go- ing out of the world to the Lord jefus Chrift, when there is an overpowering venue ofthe fweetneffeofthe promife, that prevailes with the foule above all , and affeûs tit heart with the good thereof, more thanall the reft , this is then tobe effeáually perfwaded. Now the will and the heart is gone that way, letall the temptations and the darling delights of finne come innever fo Taft: yet theprevailingpower of the promife out bids,and goes beyondall thefe,andaffets the heart more than all thefe: I wouldhave you re- taine thofe things, that ye may trie whofe hearts are found : many pretend tohave a lingeringde- lire after Chrift, and to feeme tobee for Chrift, and yet the worke was never found, they were never perfwaded powerfully, as I nowBake : and as there isa ftrongand effe6tuall perfwading, fn there is a kinde of hourly and feeble perfwa- ding,