e The Souks èffCiixaódcallitrg te Chrif}. ding, and a flight motion of it : the heart may feem to makeout toward Chrift, &yet never get out, bccaule it was never effectuallyperiwaded; thefe flight motions and hcurly,perfwafìons are like the untimely birthofawoman, that vanifh- eth away,and comes to nothing in the end. Many a man hath had his eyes opened and the fweetnefl'e ofthe promife revealed, and the foule had begun to purpofe, and tobe at a hay, now hay, and thenhe will goe to Chrift, and yet finks down- again- and fdl3 back and perifheth ever- lafl'ngly. As it is with a waggon that pafl'eth'by a dangerous pit, being well loaden,which ifitpaffe not by, hee is undone, he is at a f r : well, they will ufetheir skill,they pull with right &make, and now it is going, and then it is comming ; it is ever at a hay, nuwhay : at lafl the traces breake and it falls downe irrecoverably. So it is with a carnall falfe heartedHypocrite,that hathhad ma- ny of thefe feeble perfivafions to pluck a bale vile heart from his corruptions: the Lord bath laid fume hand upon him by the terrours of the Law, and let in forne intimationof mercy, and let him lee what goodhe might have ifhe would part from his fnnes, andhe hath many good re- folutions; the drunkard will be drunke nomore, the adulterer will bee unclear.- nomore, and the proud perfon will never beproud any more ; it is ever at a hay, now hay : but becaufe hee is not c ffectually perfwaded, hee falls off from his half- dodging withGod, and is whollyovercome with finne never tobe recovered more : this was the Pp practice 29