The Souks efthalicailinz rro Chrif}, 55 secondly, doe what thou knowefl, and t!:en 2, theLord will informe thee much more, in what thou &auldeft doe; improve that little fparke and knowledge thou haft, and then the Lord will increafe that knowledge of thine. Gen, i8. 19. whenGod was about to deftroy Sodom and Go- morrah, why, faithhe,fbaii Aide thisthing ommy fervant Abraham? TheendGod teaches a man,is, to improvehis knowledge; and whenGod bath taught himone lefíon perfeCily,thenthe Lord will teach him another prefently. When thou heareft the word, doe that dutywhich God 'commands, reforme that finne, and amend that courfe which God forbids, andhewill teach thee abundantly. lob7.i 2.he that doth Gods will,the Lord will in- fire: that man. The mafter of a family will not give a min fire and candle, to fit up anddoe no worke by it, it will notquit colt. Wifedomeand knowledge is thecandle ofGod;ifthou wilt walk by this light, and walkeby this candle, theLord will increafe thyknowledge, till thou art become a perfect Chriftian. Thirdly,we mull notonelydoewhat we know, á- but muff be marvellous painfull,and study and in- deavour to the uttermoft of our power to get knowledge: doe not make it onely a holy day taske, but labour continually in the ufe of all means for toget knowledge. You comehere to the congregation,andattend to theword,you doe Well ; but very few thatwill make thisyour taske andftudy at home, to furnifh hisheartwith fpiri- ntall understanding. ft is a ¡halms that a man fl fhould