Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

03; The soaks of uaacalling toClujft. thould alwayes be fed with a fpoon, and holdthe fpoone inhis mouth, aschildrenufe todoe; that is togoc and come to the congregation, and get little or nothing. Ho ¡a.;.When youlabour more andmore,pray more heartìly,fludy morediligent- ly, bee thinking men, andmeditating men, and chewing men, fetting themfelves upon tl-e truth ; till this,I never look that they fhould come to any faving or judicious knowledge of life and fal- vation. Laft mean es, take heed of bearing any fecret grudge againft anyword and truthofGod, bee it never fo croffe to thycorruptions : ifyou doe,the Lord in dead ofdireaingyou, will delude you and in Bead of informing you, will befot you, and give you over toblind minds,andhardhearts, This weknowby experience, menofgreat know- ledge, great parts, and abilities, are taken afide with dotage, and fall into thofe errours,whicha man would wonder how a man of judgement Mould fall into. The reafon is, theywill not en- tertaine the truthofthe Lord, Rom. r.a8. as who fhould fay, Ob, this ftril way, and this teaching, preaching, and the thundringofjudgements, wee cannot beare them, we cannot undergoe themwe haveno delightto thefe : take heed left the Lord f iy, Blindneflè take him, hardneffe takehim, re- probate fenfe, let himnever entertain theword ofGod to informe him, let him never knowthe wifedome ofGod tohis comforthere, andeverla- #linghappineffe hereafter. In the thirdplace, doth the Father teach /on ? =know.,