Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoule' effcîfuabi caging isChria. toGod : For as the whole foule in this gracious call ofGod, both the minde that difcovers that mercy, and hope, and delire, and love, and toy, have bad entertaining thereofand the wil,which is the great wheele of the foule, that falls on that mercy, and refs thereupon, and givesanfwer to thecall of God therein. Give mee leave topro- pound two things by waypfpreface, for theclee- ringof the following truths; theywill beas akey toopen the dooretoall thefollowingdifcourfe. Firfi, thofe facultiesof the foule, which efpe- ci +llygoeout to God, andcarry the foule there- unto,are efpecially tobeconfidered,in this great worke ofgoingunto God, and beleeving inhim. Now thereare two things in the worke, fame e- vill, and tome good : the evill to be refuted, the good tobeembraced.Nowanfwerably tothefe 2. things, theLordbath placed in the foule ofa man two fortsoffeet; tome feet carry the foule from evils, Tome feet againe carry the foule towards good. Nowthe afFe nionsofthe foule,that doe refpeft evill are efpeciallythree,ifany evilI becomming, ffirft, feare is a watchman, and the heart trembles, and fh_ kes, and gives in. Hencecomes paleneffe inthe face, becaufe fearegoesdowne into thevery caftle ofa man, which is the h( art and thenfor- row greeves andmournes, and lamentsunder the weight ofthat evill, wee feare evill tocome, but we forrow for evill that is come. Thirdly,hatred, that carries it felfe with a kinde of indignation, and takesup armes againft that cvill, feare ispre- venting,