Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

2'hesowk.refcaxaltealling toChriíf. venting, forrowfeeiing,hatred oppofing any evil that comes. Now thefe three affe&ions that goe fromeviil, havebeenwrought uponincontrition, and humiliation, namely, when the Lord,the eye ofaPoore firmer, difcovers unto him that hell is gaping for him, and the Godof jufrice preparing vengeance for him, the foule fiaggers and fhrinks in the apprehenfionof it; then the Lord lets in the fireof indignation into the foule, and makes the foule fede that beforehe threatned, and then the foule grieves ; and becaufe his finnes have beene fo tediousunto him, his heart is brought to a ha- tred and indignation againtt thore evils. So that ifanyevill, or provocation, or temptation come to a foule broken, if the old look companions, old corruptions, old (wearing, oldblafphemirg, olddalliances come to call upon the foule, let us have ourfillglove until/the morning, let us take up ourold delights ; when thefe call the foule, and would plucke the foule home againeunto them, then thefe foure fence the feuleagainft all thofe enchantments; in fomuch that when the drunkard feerh his company comming towards him, hee thinkes, that is my plague,rhat is the man, and his perfwafions andcounfels; hee remembers his old . corruptions, and his old horrors, and hisold bur- thens and heavie loads that lay uponhis heart;and the foule hates the drunkard, and will not yeei«d tohis perfwafiosx`, they fo fence the way, that the voice of finne cannot be heard; it may call, and call, but the doore is fhut, they flop the currant, that no areame of ddlempers may prevaile any more a