Thesoukserïi callingre Chriff. 61 There is the promife of grace and mercy in 2.Tbinge Chrift, a fulnefleofmercy, whichdoth fo power- fully and effetuaUy draw the foule by this good, thatit bringsall thefe affeetionsafter it. There- fore in this fulneffe of mercy and goodnefre of God, there are thefe particulars ; that like foma- nyclafpes,drawall thefe faculties toGod, to fol- low and dole with God for their good. The promife is a true one, and truth is that r. which marvellouflypleafeth the underffanding : asa mans palate taffies meat, fo theunderftanding rafies words. There is nothingfo pleafing to the understanding, as the truth ofGod. Nowofall truth, there is none like the truthofa promife ; therefore theevidenceofit dothcleere the judge- rment, and the certaintyofit, doth eflablifh the judgement ofapoore finner,Eph. x. r 3. The promifeofGod isagoodword, He&6. S, therefore as the truth of the Gofpell fils the un- derftanding; fo there isa goodnefre in the promife ofgrace and mercy,which will anfwer all,and fa. tisfie all the faculties of the foule, as in thegood word of' the Lord : mercy is a proper obje& of hope,that it maybefufiained; a proper objeft of defìre, that it maybe fupported; there is aproper object for a mans love anddelight, that they may be cheered : nay, there is a full fatisfa&ory fufi- cicncyofall good in theGofpell that fo the will of a man may take full repofe and refs therein. Therefore the Lordfaith,come untoate, all that are weary andheavy laden: comehope, anddefire,and love and will,and heart they autwer,We come : all