Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

Thesouks efeas llcaligg toChritt 63.E can woskeabove meaner : we knowaltoGodcan appoint other tucanes for tocall thefoule, but it is not our meaning, wemull not Tooke for revela tions and dreames, as acompanyof phanrafficail braines doe; but incommon courfe Gods Spirit goes with the Gofp11, and that is the ordinary meanes whereby thefoulecomes robe called.God canmake the ayrenourifha man,but hedoth not. Ifa manfhould expeek tobe fed by miracle, bee himfelfe would bea miracle; Gal. 3.2. for there goes a fpirituall power with it, it raifeth the dead in rime to life; it is a livingword, and the word difcovers allothe fecrets ofmens thoughts. Now that word which raifeth the dead, and difcovers the fecretsof mens hearts, it muff needs have a marvellous power with it, and accompanying of ir. For theopeningof it,obferve two things : firff, the manner ; fecondly,the reafons. After what manner doth the word and Spirit r. Point: goe together ? and you mull know,I do not mean that the Spirit is in the word,nootherwife than in all ocher things,but in a more fpeciall manner,and thatconceive inthree things. Firft, the Lord hath ordainedand let apart the preachingof theword, hee bath fad}ified ir, and fet itapart to call the foule. Looke as it is with the brazen Serpent , God appointed it to heale thole that were ftung.now if5oo.men fhould have made another Serpent, it couldnot have healed one man, though they had lookt their eyes outof the heads : So it is with the Gofpell, there is no I a other