Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

3. The 8osrki eeiiwigeating toChrift. o herufuall meanesto call thefoule : Hence it is calledthewordoftheGofpell. Now iffivebun- dyedmenmake fivehundredGofpels betides this, theycouldnever convert, or comfort one foule. Or as it is with a mint, if a mint matter coiene money, it will goe currant ; butif twenty other coine money, though the ftampe were as good, yet it isbut counterfeitcoine : fok ishere. r car. 1.2r.Let a man ftudyall the arts and tongues that can be deviled, he never (hall, nay hee never can, know one dropof Gods mercy and goodneffe in Chrift. Whybut how then maya manknow it ? faith theText, by the f oliPneffeofpreachinn,that is, wickedmencount it foolifhneffe. The Lord doth appropriate the faving worke ofhis Spirit togoe with the ordinance; not that Gad is tyed toany meanes, but he tyeth himfelfe to this meanes. Why doth not aire nourifh all, as well as meat? becaufeonely Godhats let meat apart for this pnrpofe. Hence this Gofpell is cal- led thepower ofGad tofalvatioi, becaufe the power ofGod ordinarily,andin commoncourfe appears therein : the watersof life and falvation ran only inthechanell of the Gofpell. There are golden mines of grace, but they areonely tobe found in theclimates of theGofpell. Nay, obferve this, when allargumentsprevaile not withcorruption, toperfwade the heart togoeto God, oneText of Scripture will 'land a man in Read, above all hu- manelearning and inventions, becaufe the Spirit goes forthin this,ánd noneelfe. Godclothundoubtedly,as he wìll,whenhe will, and