Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The soda efeauaA'cahing toChriff. and how he will, give fuccefi'e tohis ordinance. /fay S S. to, I r. The wordof the Lorddoth ever accomplifh that for whichit is fent. For,it is true, many a man is called after theword is delivered a long time. Why is that ? it fokes into thefoule,as thefnow in December fokes into the earth, but thefruit ofitisnctfeen untill May. The word is afavour oflife unto life, it isa living favour ofdeath todeath,it is a poifon, a deadly favour;and though it hardens force, yetthe workegoes forward. Becaufe the Lord would not have any careleffe r.Reafen, ofhis owneglorie,and ourgood:ashewill humble the foule, that he maydoe good to it, fo heewill make him ufe the means. Ifa gentleman fhould go afterabeggerwith an almes,how proud would hebe, and rather thinke himfelfe a mailer thana begger ? So, ifGod fhould followus with mercy, wewould rather goe from him : but he bath laid mercy in the myne ofthe Gofpell, that wee may dig for comfort in the ciflerne oftheGofpell,that wemaydrawall our confolationfrom thence. Becaufe may not be cozened by our owne fan= 2 .Rea on, ties, the Lord toprevent all inconveniences and conceitsofEaronifls and Familifls, that thinke they hive the powerof the Spirit in themfelves whereas Gods Spirit goes alwaies with theword. Y Iohn4. r. Every Minifter preaches with a fpirit; forceout of the fpirit ofenvie, fume outofthe fpirit offinceritie : forceheares out ofrhefpirit of love,fome with the fpiritofmalice,to carpe at the Minifrer : try therefore thefpirits,andiftheyhold not with the word,theyare naught. I3 That