Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

il?fe Sm. The Soutes efelluaPca1ding toChrift. whom theGofpell cannot cure ? i Cor. 4.3. I de- fire thofe whofe confcience to this d.hy accufe them that yet theyareblinde,and shore that brave it out,and fay,Shall l feare thefaceofaman? no, no,I fcorne i t;1 befeechyou let medeale withyou, doenot brave it out lo, for itis thegreateft mile- rie under the Sunne, for thou doff as good as to fay, thou wilt not have thewordofGod toworke upon thee. lames 1.2 t .The wordofGod isable to fave thee, and to fanEtifie thee, and art thou yet polluted and defiled ? Oh,take heedofit, goeand bemone thy foule to the Lord, and fay, Good Lord, fucha drunkard thou hail met with, fucha proud heart thou haft humbled, and fuch a ftub- borne heart thou haft plucks uponhis knees; and ifdrunkardsbe humbled,ifthe ignorant be inffru- :ted, then what a curfed heart have I, that was bofe and vile,andbaleand profane before, and fo I amnow. I tell thee,what can } ou thinke ofyour felves? iftheSpirit goewith the word , and thou . tnocke at it, thycondition is lamentable. Exhortation : Then you are tobe intreated,in the bowels of our Lord Jefus Chrift, when ever you heare the wordoftheLord, and the Gofpell ofGod, youmuff come trembling, and fubmit to that goodword, Exoti. 2 3. When ever the word oftheLord isrevealed, the Spirit ofGod, blefíed forever, isthere accompanyingofit, therefore good reafon the creature fhould fubmit to the Creator. Wee fpeakenot a word for our felves, we preach the good wordof the Lord ; andhovà over duc1êß # ifs fpoken`this, ifyouoppofeit, know