Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

Thc souóe.re°castallcalling t®Chrift. 77 that there is agreat deale ofcheere, 'anddainties provided for Inch and fuch men ; What is it to him, ifhehave themnot?Take a beggcr that bath a thoufand pound told before him . bee mayap- prehend the fummeoffomuch gold fo much salver; but what is that all romee,faith he, ifin the tneane time I dieend ftarve ? It falls out in this cafe with abroken hearted inner, as with apro- dig_all childe ;:-the prodigal! he bath fpent his meanes, and abufedhis Father; the prodigal' bath nowmuch need, the famine is in the land, and poverty is befalne hirn, and bee knives there was meat. enough, and cloaths enough in his Fathershoufe ; but alas bee can expert no kind,- neffefromhis Father, but onlyhis heavydifplea4 lu re : ifany man .fhould fay, goe to your Father, bee willgiveyou.a.portion of a hundred pounds againe ; doe you thinke the prodigall would be- leeve this ? no, no, 1-e would anfwer thus; haply my Father will irnprifon mee, or fend a Sergeant to arrefl: mee, or anexecutioner to takeaway my life ; it is my Father that I have offended, my portion I have (pent, andhis anger Ihave ineen- fèd ; and what, will hee receive mee ? no, I will neverbeleeve ir. -Indeed, hadIbeener goodhut: band, I might have had his favour, and increafed my eftate, but Ihave loft his favour, my owne eflate,,p.:trimony and all : but W a man fhould come and tell himnow, that he heard his Father ray fo, and bring a certificate under his Fathers hand that it was fo, this would draw him into fortehope, that his Father means well towards L him ;