Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

1« 78 The BoulesefeEEuail casing toChrifi: him fo it iswith the firmer, whenhe is appre- henfveofall hisrebellions, that hetbath heaped up agaiuft Gods mercy, and fpirit and grace, by hisdeclining from the truth : Ifa man fhould tell Inch a foule s goe maid, he will give you a petiti- on ofa hundred thoufand pounds a yeere, that is, hee will give you abundanceofmercy and com- paflion, the Soule cannot belt e\, e it,but thin':es 9. what I mercy ? no,no, blefl'ed ar. th ythat walke humbly before God, and conforme their lives an- fwerable toGods word, let them take it, but the truthis,itis mercy I haveoppofed,it is grace that haverejered, no mercy, nograce for mee ; you cannot wooe the foule to be perfwaded, for to thinke that there is mercy for him But ifGod fend a meffenger from heaven, -or ifunder the hand of his fpirit, that heedoth accept of him, and will doe good to him, and paffe by all for- mer tithes, and flew favour tohim ; thismakes thefoulegrow into forcehope, this is the ground whereupon the foule goeth to the Lord. This the Lord petformeth to the foule. That which David prayes for, Pfalm. 3 5. 3. the Prophetwas not contented that there was falvation in Gods hand , hee knew that Godhada worldofmercy, and falvaeon, and pardon lyingbyhim; but Da- vidprayes to God, Say untomyfoule,thouart "fat. nation, teílifie it, fpeake it home, Lord, once more plainly, effectually and fenfibly, there is falvation with thee. Paul was faved, andAbraham was Paved ; but what is that to mee? fay unto my wale a thy fonesßa11 be pardoned, thane iniqui- ties