2'4Souks ej Efuall caging toChrifl. lacing happìneffe : you know in men of g eat eftate, if their leafe hadbeene naught, and their tenour falte, this ftaggers them deeply.; therfore every man laf-ours tomake his tenour as good as lice can, thinke on it, the maintainer of all this good, That a Saint of God hath, all his hope of life and falvatron, hangsupon the mainehold,the free promie of the Lord, tl:e certaine faithful! promife oftheLord,in& ti rough Jelùs Chriff,by the teftimonv of the Spirit; you that are fanUificd byChriff, knownothing, unlefleyou knowhow to live by a promife in fornemea'itre : Now this promife is not Only abare word of God, and bare intimation of force will and intendment of good, but it is a kind of ingagemcnt, when the Lord doth lay his truth to pawne, here is good furety fora poore humbled foule, it (hall un- doubtedly be beftowed upon him ; he doth not only intend well unto him,heeBoth not onlypre- pare mercy for him,but now he ties &binds him: felfe , fo that he cannot goe back ; you fee now, this is the bottone tobeare up the truth, when the LordBoth pLate to ingage himfelfe toa bro. ken hearted firmer, that hee fhall bemade tobe- leeve, and made to live by his beleeving : I be- leech you. take noticeofir, thisis the tenourand covenant ofGod with abr' ken (inner ; heecalls himgrac oufly, and then protmifes tobeflowmer- cy upon him, 2. Cor. 6. 18. Come out froma- mong them ; what then? whal,íliall I forfake all my oldcompanions ? fhall I renounceall commo- dities th at Isave coveted ? all the honour in the world