Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Sodes efearcaldcailing to î.Ziraii, VP youhave proud hearts,therefore labour todifmay that proud heart of thine, with the authoritie and commandofGod, and with the tl,reatnings oftheLord, and revere judgements ofGod, and tell thy proud heart, lay afide your gainfaying humour, and take the mercie God offers, and bleffeGod that you may take mercie, and that you may take grace upon thefe termes, upon goodgrounds,and reafons, and evidences our of theword; blefíeGod,I fay, and take it, left God take away his Spirit from you, and his comforts from you, and ftrip younrked of all that favour he now vouchfafeth,andmake you runne downe in anguifhoffoule to yourgrave, though hee fave your routes, hee may makeyou live in hell here, though hee bring you to heaven afterwards : I would have every one touch his foule to the quick, and.dcale as lobdid, Once have fpoken, but Iwififay no more,yea twice,but Iwill proceed nofar- ther , fo all you broken hearted Chriftians, that have mourned under the burdenofyour finnes, and criedmightily for mercie, and yet receiveno comfort to your foules, the fault is your owner now fee thegroundofit,and fay,I amvile, when the word revealed, and the Minifter difcovered . comfort,I would not receive it, I havegainfayed it, I will gainfayit no more, once have I fpoken, and now I fpeake it tomy ¡harm and forrow, I might have bad muchcomfort, and bound up my heart in theaffúranceof Gods mercie, had I had an humble heart, to receivethat whichGod of; Bred, I thought it humilitieofleart to refufe it, Ffff 2 . but