592 The Souks clef calling to Chriff. but it was pride and doggednefTe of fpirit; for why did I not rather receive realms that could not be anftivered, than more qucftions that have beene removed, and affoiled from day to day I have beetle inlarged in this, becaufe it is the mine ground whereupon many humble (inners have beenehindred from a great deale ofcorn- fort Godwould havegiven, and they might have received at his hands, . Rude. The f urth rale is this : maintaine in the Taff place the truth which upon thefe good grounds thouhaft received, and thy judgement, and con- fcience, and heart have lubmitted to. Looke as it is with a man in law concerning his land, or living,or patrimonie,if he have his adverfary up- on a good ground upon the hip, as weufe to fay, he will be lure to keepe him there,he will he lure to keepe him upon that ground frill, and hold . him to that; ifa man will follow everywrangling, lawyerat every digreflion, and bring in this and ; no, keep to the point, faith the Judge, let there bee no wavering and extravagant courts hold there where yourcafe is good, and the law ison your fide.: fo deale with Satan, it is the cunningof the enemie to lead you out, and bee will have his vagarie, and this turning, and the other wavering; but keepe to the poinr, be lure tohold to that truth thatbath e ftablifhedyou, by the evidence of reafon, and teítimonie ofcon- fcience, and the evidence ofyour foules : let mee teachyou a little that are wealte