Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The souks e .._,_,_._.... a;delcafïing to Chrifl. 5g 3 Ho;v the Pule being tempted, may anfrrer s;tans accufattonr. Satan, when a manbath got a littleadvantage, he will begin to play the lawyer What, doll thounot yet fee what wants thou saran. hall, and how many failings, how unfit for fer- vice,andhowweak inferv:ce? Anfwer. It is true,but it is written,Prov. x 8. t.3. He that Poore pule. eenfepth, andforfakth hisfinner, (hall ande mercie; though I be weake, and feeble, and unfit, yet lì confeffe and forfake my finnes, therefore I (hall finde merde. Aye, faith Satan, that you doe indeed, doeft saran. thou not apprehend, and dothnot thy confcierce witneffe, that thy heart is averfe, and untoward rodutie, unwilling to come thereunto, wearie therein,anddefirous tobe free there-from? Keep frill to the point,andanfwer; I have may finnes and many failings, it is true, Poore foule.' but yet it is as true, bee that confejeth, and &c. but I confeff ,and forfake, therefore Ihall finde mercie. Aye, but faith Satan, areyou tamperingwith saran. Gods privie counfell 2 doe you know to whom merde belongs ? fecret things belong to God, . hemuff give his merde towhom he pleafe, and his goodneffe to whomhe fees fit. Keepe fill tothe poinr,andfaÿ, I know not what Gods fecret will is, but I Foote foule. know what theword faith, and what the Lord Efff 3 faith,