594 The sealer effeEtuall calling to Chriff. faith,and what cQnfcience faith : 1 know, I con- fefl°e,andforfake,therefore I, & c. But Satan replies; satan. Many couzen themfelves, merde is a rare gift, few have it,and many dreame of it, that (hall ne. ver fhare therein, nor partake thereof; and why may not youhe one of thofe? Keep ffillto thepoint,and anfsrer; Poore foule. It is true, I maycouzen my felfe, and my heart may be deceived; but the Lord will not couzen me, and the Wordcannot deceive mee, and the Lord and the Word fay, Re that confeffethp &c. but I confefle,&c. Satan. How doe you know that you doe apply the Wordaright ? may you not bedeceived in that? the Word is true and certaine : but how doe you know that you doe fitly apply this Word ? Anfwer. Poorefoule. I know it not but by the Word, and I repaire thither,that I may know it,and the Lord knowes all, and the Word informes mee, that uhofoevfr con ff tb andforfaketh fínner, fhall have merde and my confcience knowes, that I doe confefl'e andfbrfake,therefore I,&c. and Satan,ifyou will thewmee any other text contrarie to this, I will yeeld, but otherwife I will never yeeld while the _ world Elands. Thus you fee, how you mayhold Satan to the Word, and keepe him there; but if hee leadyou into wilderneff s, and by-paths, and take you to feares and fufpitions,you are gone ; Pfal. r 19.98. By shycommandments thou haft made me 3 fifer"than mine