Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The soaks e eRraall calling to Chriff. -mine enemit.r but what is the reafbrí of it ? they are ever with me ; fo Satan is wife, and carnal! reafon,and the world,and temptations are fiabtill; but hi fled be our God, that maces every poore iguocant creature, that beleeves in h`.m, and refis upon him, wiLr than all his enemies, wifer than the cunpiogI°rpent,wifer than the fubtill pleas of carnali reafon,wifer than the cunningofall temp,. rations : let the Word be continually with you, fromday today,and that will makeyou di(cover all the Heights and f}ratagems, and all the cun- ning tricksofSatan, andnot only thew you what is amifl'e,but therebyyou fhall get groundtoyour foules, toanfwer all Satans pleas a Satan deales with the foule of aproud firmer in this cafe, as enemies inthe warre;as 1ofuah 8. youknowwhen 1'ofuab went to defeat the menofAi, hee towled them out ofthe Citie,his armie fled beforethem as formerly, and they all Rallied out of the Citie upon them, and when he had them out of the Citie, the men in ambush circumvented them, and then they that fled, turned back upon them before,and the refl burnt the Ci tie ;'had the men ofAi kept within the Citie, it is true, God could' have overthrowt}e it, but yet they mig ,t have put it to theventure, they might have tried it out ; but when they had left the Citie, there was nohope : fo Satan dealeswith the foule, our ca.: fileor trenches are the promifes of God, Gods Word and ordinances, efpecially the promifes, are the trenches,whereby the foules of Gods fer. wantsarefortified; now ifSatancanbut get you out 595 !li