The Soule, efee ualicaIing toChriff. outofyour trenches,andtowleyou out ofyourca- ítle,lse hath what he would have5ifyouwill lifters toevery carnali reafon, and to every temptation, and talke and pally with it, then Satanhath you inambulh, andwill furprife you; ifhe can make you lofe ground in the promife, hedamps your fpirits, andwill intangle you in temptations, and hinder the comfort ofyour foules; the advice I giveyou in this cafe, is that ofjohn, t John 2. 28. Little c ;nldren,:fyeeabide in Gods commandement,, yeeabade in God t ifweabide inGodscôunfels,and ordinance3, andpromifes,weeabide in him : he fpeaks to the weake, as if hee had faid, you are weake and feeble, Iknow theblindneffe ofyour rnindes, bow unable you are to forefee temptati- ons,and weakcand unable to beare temptations, and I know,that Satangoes about likea roaring lion, feeling whom hee may devoure ; and you are little lambs,weake,and feeble.and unable towithftand him: but little childrenabide inGod, keep home, keep home,andthen you arefure tobefafe.When- foeverdangers are abroad, or any danger in the ftreets, we keepe the doore Phut, tokeepe little ones within, that they may catch no harme abroad; andif they get out, and get a knock, and comecrying,we fay,whydidyou not keep with- in then, who badeyou goe outthen ? fo you that arelittleones in the Lord Jefus Chriff, whenSa- tan and all the armies of hell are combining againft you,keepe within your trenches, dwell in God, and abide in him; you will goeout now and then, and tamper with carnal]. reafons, and Satans