Thesouksefeffsmiteatling te Chriít. Satanscavill,andcome home with abrokenheart, and troubled fpirir, and comfort is gone, andaf- furance is gone,andall is gone ; keepehome then I charge you, what have you to doe abroad? therefore intrenchyour felves in the promifes of God, and keepe your felves within theCallle of Gods , Ordinances and Commandements, and thenbe fafe and fure. The iífue then is this,judge thy foule by the Word, andTooke upon the fin- cere part,anddoe not take thy foule on the worft hand, andwbat thou fo judgeft tobe in, labour toconvince thy confcience thereof, and tohave confcience fpeake for thee : what reafon is infor- med,and confcience convinced of,labour tomake thy heart fubjc&, and fubmit and yeeld thereunto without any gainfaying; what reafon allowes, and confcience witneffeth, let thy foule enter- taine,andnot a wordmore; and what thy heart fubmits unto, hold to that and maintaine it for ever, and never let it goe : this is the meanes whereby a foule diftre(ied may repaire toGod in theufe of Gods ordinances, and may receive joy and efrablifhedcomfort to thydyingday,andmay goe finging to thy grave ; let Satan tempt, let the world allure, let corruption ftirre, and the heart quarrel}, keepewithindoores,keepe withinyour trenches, and remaine fafe from danger. Looke asit is with aman that bathhishoufewell prepa- red, and his foundations firmly built, when the windes blow, and the formes beat upon his houfe, bee fleeps molt quietly, becaufe h°e is in a honfe wherehe is fafe,and free fromdanger; the Gg g g windes