Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

.......... 598 The SouteseIt+P#Ragcalling toChriff. windes blownot in him, the water pierc.lö not through ; you that have title toChr f} and grace, and to the promifes, theyare they that will keep you and defend you againa windeand w,ather; though the windes roare from Eaft to Weft, though the Donnabeat, thoughSatan be never fo fubtill, and corruptions neverfo violent; nay thoughhell gates were open, andall thedevils in hell rored upon thy foule, and all the fiercencfï'e of temptations aft ult you fromda, to day, lie dole and bring your hearts to fallen tp the pro- mites of the Lord fetus Chrift, keepe within dooms, keep within your ca&tles : fit nil! and repofeyour foules upon the promifesof God,and upon the riches ofGodsfree grace, and you shall fee that the flormewill over, and Saran will bee defeated: and you Thai! have comfort, and you maygoe fingingtoyour graves, thoughyouhave many weakneffes and failings, and difempers : yetflay here, and nothingcandoe you barme. Nowwee come to the mans, that here may ufefully be confidred for the bringingonof the heart to beleev-e : but you will fay, what bee the means that a man may tale throughGodsbleflìng andgrace, to attaine thisgraceoffaith, and the ufe thereof; for this is certainewee mull ufe the means,but there isnomeansunder Heaven, alone will doe it; yet you mutt' wait upon God in the ufe of themeans : for it is not the meanes alone, that will worke faith, but the Spirit of God iu thelifeofthe means; and therefore the textfaith, so you it is given to beleeve; for faith is the free gift