T'he soule.r eeEireaú'calling aChrif#. 599 gift ofGod, it is God that mutt doe it, and yet he will not doe it without us, becatafcweare rea- fonable men and women, the Lord affords us means, and thereforeweare to wait uponhim in the ufeof thole means, letthe Lorddoe what he will, and let us doe what wee mould, ufe the means whichGod hath appointed : and thofe are thefe foure. Firfl, wee muff as much as inus lies, labour to I Means plucke away all thofe props that the fouls leans upon, and all tholeoutward fuccours, and what - foever outward contentment it is whicha poore finnerdoth repaire andbetake himfelfe to forre- leefe and helpe, that wizen all thefe are taken from us, wee maybee forced togoe for fuccour therewhere it is tobe had. Make 5.2 6.27. when thepoore woman in the Gofpell had ffent all her geodeupon the Phy/riant,and ifthe had hadbut alit. teemeans lefr,yea; but one farthing token, forany. thing I know, ¡bee would never have gone to Chrift but when all thefe failed, then thee was forced to feeke to Chrifl, that was ready andwil- lingto doe any thing for her diftretfed nature fo our foules mutt have fomething to fupport ther (elves upon, for they cannot live without forne fupport. Now therefore when all our car- nall hopes are taken away, weemute needs flay upon thepromife, becaufe we havenothing elfe; yet I fay, it is notrequifate that a man thould call away thofe outward comforts that God affords him, but take them when Godgives them, but onely this, that thoughyou have all, yet labour Gggg 3 to