6o0 The Roules efeEtuall calling toChrift. toget your hearts tofee the vanitie,and acknow. ledge the emptineffe of all thefe, and let not the heart féeke toomuch content in them, for thefe are all but lying vanities, and brokenRaves which will not onely cozen a man, but pierce him too. Nowwhen the foule feeth thefe things cannot fuccour himbut lay him in the dull, then he will becontent to have his heart fevered from them. It is with the foule as it waswith Noahs Dove ; When the 4rke began toref upon the mountaine Ar- raret, Noah fait out the Dove, but the-Dovefound no ref{ for the foie of her foot: no queffion there weremany dead carkaffes, but the Dove foundno ref# till Thee came to the Ante -againe : So when a man findes no tell in any thing the creature af- fords, andcan get no footing for the foule to to flay it felfe upon them, then it betakes it felfe toChrift, and goes home to the promife, and refts there,andexpeas from thence what isneed- full : as in the Art of fwimming, hee that will fwimme, muff plucke his feet from thebottome, andcommit himfelfe to the ftreame tobearehim up,fowemuff pluckeourhearts from thefe things here below, and them from us ; and though wee have honour and preferments, yet wee muffnot put any confidence in diem, but learne byour beleeving to commit our felves wholly to the power ofthe promife, and receive comfort from thence onely : as Rabfhakeh faid finfully; Where are thepods ofHamatband Arphad, &c. Relynot upon them , for the gods cannot helpeyou : fo should wee reafon; when wee finde our hearts hankering