Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoukseEtuall calling to Chrift. 6ot hankering after honour,riches, pleafure,&c.why fay, let not thegods ofthis world, honour, and profit, and pleafure deceive thee ; did the pride ofPharaobs heart deliver him? did the richesof Dives fave him? did Herod, applaufe that he had deliver him ? did thefegods fecure them ? nay, have they not left them in the lurch ? there- fore let us take our hearts off from thefe things, andhave a bafe effeemeof them, and fee a vani- tie, and errptineffe, and infufliciency in them, that wee may bee forced to feeke to Chrift, and fay as David laid, Helpe Lord, for vaine is the helpe of man, vain is the helpe of all other things. Nowwhen this is done, there is a little way made that the promife maycome to the foule: and therefore labour in the fecund place to have your hearts pof'cffed throughly, and per- fwaded eat-Wally of the falneffe of that good which is in the promife , and of that fah- faáory mercy and freeneffe of the grace of God inChrift, that fo the foule maybee efta- bliflrt with that full content which is to bee had in the riches of the promife : but marke what I fay, perfwade your hearts of ir, and content not your felves that you are ab.'e to fpeake of it, and talke and difpute fomewhat fullyofthe excellencyofthe'promife, and of the riches ofGods freegrace : what is this to the pur- pofe that the heart knowes this, and yet e fore- ftalled that it cornes not to the promife; therefore leave not thy heart till it come to Gggg 3 -. Ij Means. li.