4o2 The goules ejeEtuagcalling toChrifl. make that account cf the pronaiáè, as the word faith it is worth; I fay, leave not thy heart till thou fee the promife ofgrace rmoft be utifull in thy ey e,and that thy heartmay gain fume earncft touchingofthe goodneffeof God, and the riches ofhis grace towards thee; and bringthy heart to know and fee that the promise is better than all theriches and honours that thou canal have, or theworldcan beftow. David faith Pfalme 9. to. They that know thee mildt ruff in thee, for thou Lord, haft never failed them that feeke thee :"this kinde ofknowledge ever breeds confidence and refolu- tion, and perfwades the heart. Weedare truft a friend whole faithfullnefí'ewee have tried; and rest upon that which we knowby experience5the promtfesareofa tried truth, feekefrom one end of the Heavens to the other, turne all the Bible over, and fee ifever any man leaned on the pro- mife, and the Lord didnot perforate that which he had promised for the good of his foule : Pfal. z r9. 92. Except the Lord had beene rosy dlight, 1 fheuldhaveperiflied in try troubles : Pfalme 73.26. David faith, my flefh failethme, andmy heart alfo; but thouart theflrennth ofmy heart, and my portion forever: againe,IhadperifhedinmyafiElion, but that thy Word upheldme ; the promises are worth trusting to,& leaning upon : thoughDavid In the midít ofhis ofi6tion was ready to finke, yet then the promife upheld him : Efay 26. 4. Trull in God, fir in Iehovab is everlafling flrength : now there is not strength in thefe things below, or not everlafting strength, but in Chrift : in the pro- miles