TheSouks effiEival{calling toChrift. 6o? mifes is everlafting ftrength, here lies a great weight, and it is aworke ofmarvellous diffi,ulty, and great neceffity ; and therefore that thy heart may fit downe fatisfied in the fufficiency ofthe promife, 1 will propound three rules how you may improve the promife for your uttermol be.. nefit. Fitt}, labour dayly to prefent to thy foule a greater good in the promife, than thou cavil fee- any where elfe ; it is a mans skills and it fhould be his endevour daily towatchhis heart,and to look what it is that theheart delres mortYand prefent a greater good to thy foule therein,than in al things thou canft have elfewhere : doe honours or ri- ches, orthe applaufeo` men, or any earthly plea- fures offer thee content and fatisfacion,then per- fwade thy hurt there is a greater worth and ex- cellency in the promife, than can be had in all the world outbid the world, and tell thy heartand fay, heart wouldit thou have honour and glory ? why here h an exceeding weight ofglory: hee that hath the promife-fhall bee made a king, and fhalihave glory that will never vanifh : doth thy heart hanker after earthly joy and mirth ? thou fhalt finde a greater mirth in the promzfe,than in thecrackling of three thotns.In the promife there is joy unfpeakable and indurable ; clayjoy I give untoyou, and none (hall rake it away: here are rivers ofpleafures (and to I mayfay ofany thing elfe) doch thy heart hanker after riches ? tell thy heart that therebe unfear hahle riches inChrift, and through him have title toall theprotx& fes i Rule, t