Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

604 TheSeuleseff ee 9ua(1 calling to Chrift. íes ofthis life and a better ; we know he that of- fers mofr for the bargainecarries it away ; there- fore wee fhould obferve the goings out of our hearts, and what offers it felfe to give us molt content, and prefent our foules with a greater good in God,in Chrift, in theprom ife, than in all things elfe : looke as it is in marrying, ifparts give content, then thewit-eft prevaile ; ifthey would have riches, then thewealthy obtaine:why now wooe thy foule, and lookewhat will pleafe it belt, and make it appeare to thy foule, there is a greater good in the promife : honours and ri- ches have fpokes-matters, and feeke commenda- tions : had I but fuch honour, oh, it wereadmi- rable ; had I but fomuch wealth, ,oh,it were ex- cellent ;all this while thepromife isíhut out,and it cannot come to the fpeechof the foule ; labour therefore tohave acceffe to the promife with thy foule, and fpeake a good word for it, and fay, Brand by world, ftand by riches, profits, and pleafures, and preferments, roome for theLord Jefas Chrift, andput a wonderfull price upon the promife, whatfoever the foule doth account as beta, that it will chufe,and leave all others for it : doe as Dalilah did, Thee befieged the heart of Sampfon, and wouldnot leavehim,till he powred out his heart to her ; fo let thepromife have in- greffe and regreffe, let the promifes befiege thy heart, that thy heart maygive up it felfe to it, Riotea 2. 7. I retterne to my fîrff &band, for then it mar better with mee than now: fo when the heart comes to fee and know that there is better riches,