Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Souteseeauall caXingto Chrift. riches,eafe,pleafurer,profits ,prefermeetsinChrift in the promife, than in all the world, then it will returne thither : I would have the foule outbid the world, and labour to out fhoot the Devil! in his ovine bow, and thofe things which theDevil' calls in thy way, for hindering thy foule from comming to thepromife, let thofe things bee as meanes to tither in the promife, as thus, when thou feeft thy heart looke after friends, let thole friends other the way to thinke on the infinite loveand favour ofGod in Chrifi ; and when thy heart would fainehunt after wealch,let this uther a way to theprornif, and fay, if the heart finde filchcontent in riches, what would it finde in the riches ofGods grace in Chrift ; thus prefent a greater good in the promife, than in any thing elfe. The fecond rule is: labour ro convince thy 2.Rut4 heart ofthis,that all the things in the worldwith. out thepromifeare notgood ;and hadft thou all that the earthcan afford without apromife, they were rather a curie to thee thanablefïing; lieb. It. i. Faith is the fu fFance of things hopedfor; it gives akinde ofbeingand f hflance to all ; there is no fubf1ance in honour and riches, if they bee not in faith, they are clogs and mares to a man, except faith f,ive a blefling therewith, all our prayers have ro fubflance in them, hot arepoore and empty words without faith iY the promife, tohave what we pray for : the molt broken and meaneprayer, if it bee mingled with faith, it is a very powerluil prayer ;and the fubíiance ofall Hhbh your