Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

6o$ TheSouksa eateall calling Itri your hearingand my preaching, lyes chiefly in faith, otherwife they are but loft labour ; for faith is it that gives a kindeofbeing, towhatfo- ever we fpeakeor doe.. '3,Rrtle, The thirdrule in this fecund meanes is this, la- bour to acquaint thy heart with the goodnelie of the promife, before carnali reafon comes and poirotes thy heart, how that the promife is moll furo, and will come when it is moil fcafonable, and is beft for thee, and when God fees it mof$ fit, we fhall,certainly have it ; David faith, Thy Word >ir fure inheaven :and Heá.4.! 6. Let to there- forecome boldly to the throne ofgrace, that we may re- ceive comfort and mercie in time o fneed not when I fee it fir,but whenGod fees it fit;this is it which carries away many poore finFull hearts from re- flingupon the promife ofGod, fometirnes the heart is a littleaffeaed with theexcellcncic ofthe riches of Gadsgrace,and feeth what great things the Lordbath done for his foule ; and faith, Oh that I were fuch a one, and let meedye the death ofthe righteous, hut when itcomes topafe, that lee bath not prefent eafe and comfort, then bee caftsaway the good promife ofthe Lord, and the evill prevailes wonderfully with thofe poore creatures,tl,erefore faith the Prophet, Hab. 3. 17. When the fig-tree fballnot blcfme, neither fhall the fruit be on thevine;, When ¡be tabsu,oftheolive fhall fiile,andyeeld nofruit, then will Irfjoyce in theLord, and joy in the' Godofmy /llvarion : let the promife fofirpriee thy heart that it may be poffefedwith ehe allfirfsiencieair : and thereforeperfwade thy