Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soutes eleasalcalling to Chrift. 607 thy heart, the good of the promife will corne, when it is molt feafonable ; let riches fatisfie when death comes, then call for your cordiali : I tell you, thepromifewill helpwhen all fade. In the third place fee that thouexpeetefl all the 3. $Deane 3 goodwh`e`t thou tweed& and canft defire from that fuf&ciencie ofthe promife : goe to the pro- mife for all good,there are all the cordsofmereie that mull drawthee,and there is the all-fuffielen. cie that can fupply all thy wants, looke for all from thence,andexpel power from thepromife to finable thee,todoe whatfoever thou wouldeft in the promife is authority to rule thee, expe& power from the promife to make thee able to beleeve the promife. It isa weake plea for a man to fay, I dare not Objet. looke to the promife,I cannot beleeve ; if I could beleeve,then 1 might expel fome good. Thou (halt never beleeve upon thefe termes, Apo. thou mutt not firft have faith, and then goe to the promife, but thou mull firft goe to the pro- mife, and from thence receive power to make thee able to beleeve the promife : rfal. 119. 49- O Lord, remember thy wardto thy fervant, whereies than haft caufedme to truf : whenmen are enlarged in love to a man, and make faire promifes, this perfwades the heart to truft to them, and to rely upon them for good ; therefore a man doth ufe to fay,' durst not have thought it, nor expected, if you had not promifed it : fo the promife of God made to the finite makes the foule to reft uponit : toexile& faith without a promife is all Hhhh a one,