Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

608" The Soulet e, feanaDéaisink toChrift. toneas ifa man fhouldexpea a crop without , eed, for the promife is the immorrail feed of Gods word,whereby the Spirit breeds this faith in the hearts ofell that are his: Zahn 5. s 5. The bonre is comming, and now it , when the dead lhall beare the voiceofthe SonneofGeld, and they that heare itJball live ; it isfpoken ofraifîngofadead man from thegraveofflint: Firff, there is thevoice of Chrift to the foule, before there can bee an eccho againeofthe foule toChriff; fo the power ofthe promife mutt come to the foule, andwee muft heare the voice ofGod in the promife be- forewe can ratlinean ecchoagaine to the Lord the Lord faith, Come to me; and the foule faith, I come Lord : when tl:ou feet' much deadnefí'eand unfitneffeofheart, doe not thou goe away, and looke offfrom the promife, and fay, Thus I am, and fo it is withmee; but rather goe to the pro- mife,and fay, Whatfoever frailties I finde in my felfe, yet I will luoke to the Lord, and tohis pro- mile ;for ifi want faith, the promife mufl fettle mee more and more therein; I mutt not bring faith to the promife, but receive faith from thence, and therefore I will wait till.theLord pleafe toworke it. Laftly, labour to yeeld to the equal' .condition of the promife, and make no more conditions than God makes; now the promiíè requires no more ofaman, but that he fhould come and lay hold on merde, therefore doe thou require no more,tbanGod in the promiferequires 5 there is enough in the promife to doethee good, there- fore