Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Souks el-it:Nald callìng to Chrift. 6a_a fore expea all good from it; and becontent to goe to the promife, and take ofGod what1oevcr he hath therein offered : Efy 55.1,2 B `y without money, this isthe condition, that God otters mer- cyupon ; wine andmilke, that is, grace and falvation;without money,that is, without fufftci= encieofyour owne 5 for wee m.aft not looke For fan&ification, till we come to the Lord in voca- tion : for this is all the Lord re q airesof thee, to fee thy fumes; and be wearyof them, and be can: tent that the Lord Jens fhall reveale what is amifie,and take it away, and that the Lord fhould give thee grace, then theLordwill bring thee to hitnfelfe,and thou (halt receive mercy from him; and then all thy corruptions (hall fall to the ground. To fumrneup the point briefly thus : Firft, when wee have pluckt away all carnall props,there is way made for thepromifè to come to us: Secondly, when our hearts are poffefíèd thorowly of the fufficiencie of Gads promifè and grace, then the promife drawes neere to the foule. Thirdly, when we expeát all from the promife, even-power tocome to the promife,then the p v- mile layeshold upon us. Fourthly,when we are content to yeeld to the equal! conditions ofthe promife, then the pro- mite carries us quiteaway. Thus we have feene the hinderances removed, and the meanes propounded, and now that wee may bemoved and perfwaded importunately to Hhhh 3 feeke