Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

610 TN souks efeEtuaIll ceding to Chrift. feeke after this bleffed grace of Go pound three motives: ;ñptive. The firft motive is this a becaufe if you once get thisgrace, you get all other graces with it; is this you have all the refs attending, and you have all the refi overplus : it is a ground ofcomfort to fet a manaworke,when in the doingofone,he may doe many things; fo it is in the worke of faith : men that are wife to provide for them- felves, and to lay out their, money for their bcfí advantage ; for a purchafe, if they fee it is well wooded, and all the flocke goes into the bar- gaine ; efpecially if there be fonlcgolden mynes, all their mindes will be upon that purchafe; be- caufe if they have that, theyhave all in that : fo it is here, get this grace, andget all; ffrengthen this,and ftrengthen all; nourifh this,and nourifh all want this, and want all : once get this, and then you need nor feeke for wifdome, for faith will makeyouwife, it will bring holineífe with it to purge you : Ah thegolden myxes ofmercy and falvation, doe all attend upon the purchafe offaith: it is in this cafe with faith, as it is in a mansbody,a manbath an efpeciall care ofhis flo- mackand liver, becaufe the flornack difgeffs his meat, and the liver makesbloud, and bloud is in all; and now if all be maintained,all is for health : fo, what ever aman lookes to, let him looke to this ; for by faith we layhold on Chrift,and from Chrifl wee receive all good, whereby ourhearts may bee cheated and refrefhed; faith brings all grace, andworkes with all grace ; get faith, and get