The scalesejeagall calling to Chriffa get all: 2 Corin.3, té. Wee all msch openface behold, js in ajlafte, theglorie ofthe Lord, and are changed into theprig imagefrom.eerie toglorie ; I have ope- ned the place before, tohave the glorious grace of God , his meekneffe and patience, that the foule may be transformed, and ofan impatient man,be made meeke andpatient, and to have the gloriousgrace of God imprintedupon the foule: howwill all thiscome ? we all by faith lookeup. on the riches of Gods grace in )etas Chrift; Chrift is theglaffe,attd thegloriousgrace ofGod; Chrift is compared to the glory of the Lord; therefore firfc wemuff behold grace, before wee can receive it; firff fee humility inChrift, and then fetch it ; and there fee courage, to put met- tall into the heart that iscowardly. Secondly, as all grace comes by faith, for it is faith that clofethwith Chriff, and from Chrift receiveth grace for grace ; as the Peale leaves the fame imprefiion upon the wax,' that is upon it felfe, fo fecondly by fait: wee arcdelivered from all, and made conquerours over all either ene- mies that canafíaultus,or miferies that can trou- bleus : wee have many enemies, theDevil! and theworid, but efpeciaily a vile, bate, and corrupt heart, if youknow and fede thefe miferies ; here is one fpeciall privilege of faith, it will rid all thefe, and make you conquerours over all thefe enemies ; thisonly faith can doe : every man la bouts for mafteryandvi6tory ; this is thewhite that every man (hoots at,as it is ina pitched field, though it be but for one victory, how every fide 61.I