612 The soldereeauallcalling te Chrift. drawes on the forces, and ufè all the meanes asn d skill that canbe, toget the day : but ifthere were an engine or inftrument that would overcome all enemies, and breake all forts and trenches, if therewere any fuch engines,no man would fticke at any price, or fpare any meanes ánd el:devours toget the engine, becaufe if theyhave this, they have thevictory ; and although therenever was, nornever can bee any Inch engine for temporal! deliverances as this is ; yet certaine it is, this fa,. wing faith is a fpirituall engine and inflrument,as I may fo fay, that gives vi&ory and conqueft over all fpirítuall enemies : i /diny5.4. They that are horreofGod overcome the world, andfinne, snd thin to the viciorie tht overcotnmet', the world, evenyour faith ; marke the phrafè, and it is not for the con. queft of forec one cc.rueti -n, but for t °leever. throwingofa worldofwickedne ire, it quencheth all the fierydartsoftheDevil! beThe corruptions never fb ftron , yet faith gives the concteft to a poore firmer, it is not /rope alone; nor love, not zeale, they are all gocd íouldiers, and they may firivemuch, and lend much h<flpes toa pocre fin. net.,but they will gr ,v vveake, and feeble, and dead, except faving faith come in to refcue and bring a fupply;howoften doewe finde,that when our hope fa;les and our hive grower cold,2ndour zealedead, thenat lait,faitkhgoes to heaven, and fetches new grac:, evengrace for grace,and then hope it ffirred, and defire q f;ckoed, and waleen- flamed: Pfal.27.t 3.1had f;riei d,ftríhffle- /badMee- wedto fee thegoodne /'eoftheiotd in the landotthcli- viag