Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

r TheSimiles efeateaacaling toChrift. 613 viteg ; it was faith that did lave him at adead lift : it iswith the foule, as it is with the body, take a man that is fwòunding, there is one friend that weeps over him, mother that comforts him, but he that will cure him,rnuft goe to theApothe- caries (hop, and bring tome Agra vite, and that will fetch him again. : fo it is with a poore fin- ner,being under theprell"ure of -horrour of heart, (you wickedones arenot acquainted with this, but youmaybe in time, Ihave knowne the flou- tefl heart to floDp) the poore firmer in his extre- mity faints,nndprofits, and pleafures, and friends weeps over him, laying, Oh that we could have quietedand refrefbed you, but the poore man is gone, till at lafl, faith goes to heaven, and brings a pardon toPavehim, andmercy to comfort him, andhathfupply there, and faithbrings thewater of life, even the freeneffe ofthisgrace, and that chcares, comforts, and revives theheart thus fin- king, fo that the poore (inner by this time begins to lookeup, and to come to himfelfe againe, as Davidfaith, Pfal. 73.7. Tet God if good to Ifrael,hee mu evenfinking., butfaitbover came the temptation: Oh, faithhe, the world is naught, and men are marvellous wicked,and maliciousto oppof', and my ovineheart is malicious and bad, but God is good,and he will be good tome,and cure this vile heart ofmine : I Pet. t . S. Weeare kept by the bower ofGod through faithuntofalvation; that which gets the victory is faith,and next under God inChrifl; weowe our everlafting falvationunto faith,even to thatblefi'edgrace;you that areacquaintedwith I i i i troubles,