Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

6t4 The souks effeauall calling toChrift. troubles,and anguifhofconfcience, andwithma- ny corruptions,would it not doeyougood at the heart, to fee all. your deadlyenemies laid downe at your feet?would it nor doyougood,to have all your ftrong !witsandmafterlycorruptions ofpride and malice, tholemighty and Geliab finnes, that you have a deadly envie againft, and that you have flood fo long againft ? would you not fee them all mattered and overcome? I doubt nor, but you that feele thefe and undergoe the burden ofthefe,youwould account it the belt day thatever youdid fee: ifthe conqueft be worth the firiving, thenget faith, and then the day is yours, and you ihall fee your lulls bleed, your lulls breake ; and though your prideand other lulls nowget ground againft you, yet then they fhall be led captive, as the text faith, then thrift (hall lead captivitie cap- tive ; faithbrings Chrift into the field, and fo the vi&ory is gotten, 3.Motive. As faith makes us glorious in all graces, and gives the conqueft over all enemies, fo in the laft place it is faith that brings a biding to all our blefíings,and it graces all our abilities,and it bier. feth us in all our occafions that concerneus ; the profit ofall meanes, and the fucceffeofall our la- bours, it is in faith : nay, there is agood, which faith workesupon fome,and therefore it is worth the ¡hiving : it is that which bleffeth all our blef- fngs,and all that doth concerne us : meanes may bend the worke and operation, but all the profit is in faith: as Heb. 4.2.7he Geftegrearpreachedun- to them,ar unto ue, butit didnotprofit them, becaufe it