Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The souksdalgagcatlrnL t®Chrifl. 6t 5 it was not mixe with faith in thofe that heard it: hadit thou the greatett parts and abilitiesunder heaven, if thouhadit not faithwith them, they . would not profit thee ; men tkinke togoe be- yond all with their power,wit, andpoiide but I fay, All will not profit themwithout faith ; if thou canft receive the Sacraments with faith,it will ftrengthen thee ; if thou canit heare the 'Word with faith, the terrours of the law will humble thee, and the commands thereof will dire thee,and awe thee, but otherwife all is no- thing, though anAngeli {You'd come from hear, ven, and preachtoyou : as it iswith the meanes of the body, ifa man eat never fo muchmeat, andcannot digeft it, if the ftomack bee clogged with it, there is nothing but fickneffe and dif- cafes come from it, but if a man takebut alittle meat, and digeft it well, it will nourifhhim, and doe himmuchgood : fo it is here, that which is the ftomack and liver of the foule, is faith, and thatturnes the Word,and Sacraments, and ordi- nances intogood blond; it is a lowly beleeving heart, that gets good by this. Secondly, all our performances findeaccep- tance through faith; theScripture faith, Without faith, it t« impofble to pleafe God; and I fay, That without faith it is impotfible that thou thouldtt pleafeGod, though thy judgement is weake,and thyparts humble, and thy ability poore andfee- ble ; but yet if thou cantt but figh up toheaven by faith, that figh is accepted in heaven with faith, all thy weakneffes are pardoned,, and all I i i i a fervices