%on 6 I Thr sou1es effanait ending toChrifI. fervices are accepted, whereas Witt,out the grace of faith, hadff thou the greateíf a,bilitits under Heaven; and though thou canffpleafe thy great Patron; thine ovine proud Inart, yet thou wilt never pleafe the great God : he that heareth ho- ly faith , and walketh by faith, though hee can pleafe none elfe, yet bee thall be lure topiafekis God. This h that which turneth all our limes and curfes intogood to us : (Oh marke that ) not that it makes them good in themfelves, but it brings goodout of them. Thecunning Apothe- cary,andwife Phyfitiancan make the moft dead- lypoyfon, the moilfoveraigne cordiall, kcaufe hecorre&s the one,that is fomany degreescould, and puts a ft;ongerfpirit of heat intofoure or five degrees ofit, and fo fits it tobe marvellous cordi- all fo frith makes a fwecteutraft out of pride, and the venomeoffirme and corruption, without this is,the overpowringworke ofkith, as Phil. r. t4. ,Fee th e Iknow that by the Apple afthespirit-i if drift, this fhafi turne to my good and Jalvation throughyour prayers. To winde up the point, let us confider all thefe motives, and confider whether wee can move our hearts tolerant for this grace 3 would younot be glorious in all the graces ofaid, as humility, meektrraand patience, and have con-. quefioeeral yoti 'enemies, and the bafenefeof your civnehearts, and wouldyounot have a blef fing upon what you enjoy, and would younot bave all worke for your good ifchef bee worth the