Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The souksefe uafl e4ing ro Chrift. thehaving, thenget this grace of faith, that ha ving this youmay have all Hee that bath faith, let him goc on tï it ; and bee that hathnot faith, let him know that hey: never had any thing. To thispurpofe it will be very featonable, tocall up- onour hearts upon all occafions, when you finde your hearts hunting to fettle upon thefe things here below, and when you begin toview all the contentments ofthis life. and to fay, thisis great Babel', and I havegotten friends and Mcapes,&c. thenput the gaeftion to thy foule and fay, haft thou faith too?thouhaft friends to (tand for thee, andmeans to inrich thee, but haft thou faith to fave thy foule ? if tl:ou haftnot faith, thouart a begger whatfoNer thouhaft; nay often ftattie your fecure and careleffehearts,and put this plea royour hearts, and parly with them, in this man- ner and fay, doe not many and moft menwant faith, and why may not I want it ? and doe not many feeke faith and doe not attaine it, and what if I fhould mif e it ? the Lord forbid it, for then thou art an undone man forever,thou haft loft all tl'ylabour. lohn 2. 8. Looketo yourfelverfaith the Apoftle, that you lore no the things that you have wrought, thy hearing, and thy praying,and all thy Sacraments, and all means, and whatfoever thou haft or doff, thou haft loft all, and thouart gone downe the ftreame, nay miff& offaith, and all the meansunder heaven cannot releeve thee ; I tell thee if thoumiffeft of faith, thou miffeft ofhea- ven and falvation ; nay, I may fpeake it with re- verence, mercy it felfe cannot fave thee; Chrift a iii 3 will 617