Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

618 ?'heS'oulcs ïwaitcalling toChrift. will rot, nay Chrift cannot fave thee without faith, for hebath fwornehe {hall never enter into his reft, continuing without faith : therefore call homeyour hearts, and ftirre up your foules, and looke up to the Lord jefus, and reafon in this manner, and fay, as Paul to the Philippians faith, 7o you it if given to beleeve, Lord it ùgiven to thy poore frvants to beleeve, thou gaveflManaffe.r, Paul, and the layler power to beleeve, I am a vile ftub- borne prophane wretch, Lord give mee power al- foto beleeve; whether thou wilt give mehonour, wealth, riches, or no, I leave that to thy felfe; but Lorddeny not thy fervant anhumble broken andbeleeving heart, left I perifh, and beundone for ever. As Rachel raid, Givemee children, orelfe Idie, fo fay thou, Lordgive meefaith, orelfe I perifh : Lord I knowall my labourcannot worke faith, andall manesunder Heaven cannot give it, but it is thou, Lord, that muft doe it, andas thetext faith, Manybeleeved throughgrace: Lord therefore through that graceofthine, draw this heart to thee, and keepe it with thee, and make thy poore fervant bleffed for ever. Thus much for theufeofexhortation,namely, thatwe fhould get faith. Now T come to the fecondpart ofexhortation, and here weeare to endevour if God beepleafed to goe out withus, toperfwade the heart ofthole that be faithful! tolive by faith: theLordbrought thy unfaithfull heart to beleeve; now then la- bour tohusband this gracewell, and to improve it for thy belt good, and live by it. Itis a mar- vellous