Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soùlete.ffeguallcallingtoChrift. 619 vellous great shame to fee thofe that are borne to faire meanes , I meane the Poore Saints of God, that have a right and title to grace and Chrift, and yet to liveat fuch an under rate : I wouldhaveyou to live above the world, though thouhaft not a coat to cover thee, nor a houfè to put thy head in, yet if thouhaft faith, thouart a rich man: therefore husband thy eftatewell, it is aflume,' fay, to fee them, that they cannot hat- band that happy eftate which they have, they live as if they had it not, to full ofwant, fo full of care and pride, Co weake, and unable to mafter their finnes, whereas the fault is not in thepower offaith,nor thepromife, nor in the Lord, for the LordBothnot grudge hispeopleofcomfort, but wouldhave themlive cheerfully,and have ftrong confolations, and mighty afi'aranceofGods love. And thereforethe textfaith, Kejoyce in theLordal- wayet, andagaine 1fay rejoice, andmake your calling and eletìion fore : Heb. 6. 18. God hash fworne that bytwo immutable things, wherein it isiánpotiible that God fhould lie, wee might have firong confolati- ens; nay, theLord rejoycethin the profperityof his fervants, and therefore he bath provided mer- cifully and richly for you, that you mayrejoyce; therefore wee doe the Lord and his promifés a great deale ofwrong, and bring an ill report upon that grace and mercy ofhis, when wee open the mouthesofthe wicked, andmake them fay, Oh, thefe precife people talke of quiet, andcontent- ment, and joy in the holyGhoft, there is great talking of thefe things, but wee could Bever fee