620 7he SovietefeáualleaQing toChri ft. fee it yet : Oh brethren it is a great fhame ; are the riches and revenues of faith fògreat, that achri- flian may live like a man all his diyes ? Let all the drunkards and malitiaus wretches againft God, laugh and bee merry, yet they cannot fee oneofthole dayes that 4pooreSaint can: though he íhould liein prifon all his dayes : Matthew 17. 2 O. If a maps had butfaith as agraineof muRard- feed, and fhozsldpyr to thus msuntaine gos hence, it fhouldbe done; whether this is :fpokenof juflify- ing faith or no, I will not now difpute, but this I am fare of,ifyouwill refift the Devil!, he will flee from you, and youmay trample under all your lulls andcorruptions, this is the life offaith, and this life may wee live, and this life wee ought ro live. Ifa tradefman have agood ¿lareput into hishand, and have a faire flocke and quicke re- turnes, ifLee goes downe thewind; and begin to declineand decay, every man will fay, fie was left marvellouswell, buteither he knew not how tovie ir, becaufe he warred skill, or elle he atten- ded not unto ir, and wascarelefl'e, another man would have lived bravely upon halle of that means which he had. So there is never apoore Chriftian, which trades in aChriftiancourfe, but bee bath a faire cfiate, and may live like a man. Onepromife is enough tomake a man live com- fortablyall Lisdayes, though hee were in never fo much want; hut ifheebee caft behinde hind, and g aes downe the winde with comfort and joy, and finks becaufeofhis pride,and diftempers,and vexation, the fault is not in the eftate, for the Lord Note this.