Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSouks e f. ilaaff cooing to Chriff. Lord left him very well, he had achddesportion, hee had anheart to feare GoÀ,.and love God, as Davidfaith, O be merciful.' unto me as thou ufeft to doe to shofe that love and feare thy Maw: the fault was not in thepromifes that they couldnot, nor inhis faith that it wouldnot helpehim, but he let the promifes lieby, theycame into the table,but he never calf themup, neither did hee husband them aright : hee had a world of comforts and confolations that wouldhave givena man liberty in prifbn, and honour in flame and difgrace, and comfort in the time of diftrcffe, butbee didnot husband them. Therefore be advifed to doe as the trades-man loth, hee will not fpend of his flocke, but live of hi.s trading. So I would have every Chriffian to make a living of his faith, whateverffrength thouneedit,fetch it fromgrace in Chrift, and what ever comfort thou wanteft, fetch it fromChriff, but live by faith, and make a good livingof it too, and then thou doft im- prove the prornife aright : bring but an empty beleeving heart with thee, and the oyle will never faite, and the meale in thebarrell will ne- ver decay, but continually fupply thee as it did that poore widow : So goe with an humble heart to the promifes, and husband it well, and thou maift draw life andgrace from the promifes till doomes day. And thus in general!. But how (hall a manbe trainedup that he may 2uet. get this skillofliving by faith? Every man bath axfir, his owne Quilts and trickes,and lives by his owne devices, and thedevil' bath enough of theme 621