Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

62 a ihe gouleseffeaaall ealling to Chrift. the world that lives this life, but the bell life of all is little looked after. Note. Now for theanfwer know thus much,that there are three particulars neceffary for the training upof the heart to learne this skill of living by faith. How to live Firfl, wee mutt labour to get matter for our by faith. faith to workeupon. r Secondly, wee mull labour to fit faith for the 2 worke. 3 Thirdly, wee mull labour toorderour faith aright i o theworke. ï. Particul. Firíl, wemull providematter for our faith to worke upon ; for this wee fee ordinarily, ifa workman want matter to worke upon, ( either a Carpenter orthe like) hee mull needs ceafehis worke,and he cangoe no further, and if a mans worke failes, how can hee provide for his family? This is the complaint of poore people now adayes, that they have no worke. So it is in a Chriftiancourt, manypoore Chriftians that are newly fet up, and are not afore-hand in the world, theywant even matter for their faith : I meane Tome are ignorant and cannot read, and fome have not meanes and apreaching Minifler, and others have but fmall partsand cannot heare, and little doe they reraine of what they doe heare : Now becaufe they want the promifes of God underftood and remembred, and rightly ap- plied, therefore they live marvelloufly poore, though theymight live marvelloufly comforta- ble inthe world: and nowthey;have a wordof con-