The soulere edmallcallingroChrift. 62 3. comfort, and fometimes the advice of a friend, and they have faith, but they want matter for their faith toworkeapon, and therefore theyare fcarcely able touphold their foules in trouble. Now the matter of our faith is in the whole Where the Wordof G::Id as it is with the Bee in gathering oattei of faith bony, as the fpider gathers poifon out of every '`° flower, fo the Bee gathers bony out of the fame flower, andour of the fweeteft flower there thee fuckes tnoft bony : and the Word ofGod 3 the fharpeft courfe, and the fearfiilleft plagues de- nounced, agracious heart will gather fome good by ir, anda man hath need ofthefe ; but above all, the fweet of thepromifes of the Gofpell, and the lap and fweet therein, and the blood ofthe Lord Jefus Çhrift that is communicated there- by ; Oh the Îaithfull foule fucks molt there. Now that wee may provide matter for our faith, three rules are tobee obferved, which are commonly obferved in all provifions : Iáirft,theyprovide and lay in in fealbrj, timely, 1. Rule. as foone as they can : this is the pra&ice ofhim ee°tour °: Our matterfo that would husbandhis eftate wifely,his care is to o faith. buy at the belt hand. SoI would have a good Chriftian to {tore up Remember all the good promifes ofGod, in all the good WordofGodfeafonahly ; I meanewhen all thy parts and abilitiesare ítrong,and nature is able to fight it out,&.while theFaire dayofGods favour lafteth, andwhile theWord and Sacraments are difpenfed : this is the bell: time to lay in the pro- mifes ofGod,that we may notwant them, when Kkkk 2 wee