Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

624 TheSoule, affefuatócalling to Chrift. wee have ufeof them : it isa marvellous mirk, prepofterous whena man is weake, his eyes dim, and his heart and ftrength faileth, and he is ready to give up theghoft,then to lay in grace and provifion of mercy, and then for him that hath hated a Minifter, and loathed the means ofgrace,andabufed the patienceand long fueringof God ; Oh then to have a Minifter come to him, and have a promife in theday of perfecution, then for a man tobethink himfelfc of thecomforts andpromifes ofthe Gofpell, and when a man fhould fpend on the Fromifes, then to get ir; this is but ill husbandry: the better way is this,now to bebuyingat every turne; and this is the reafon why our. Saviour faith, oh ifthou had' fl knowne in this thy day the things that belong unto thy peace; while the Word,and thy life,and the Sabbaths , and the ordinances loft, this is thyday ; we knownot howToone God may take all from us. Oh the eftate of the Poore Pdlati nates, Wit be true that we heareofthem) they have loft all the meanes ofgrace, and they have idolatry now amongft them, and there the ene- mies force them to goe tomafíe againft their con- fciences,and they cannot fee a good Minifter,nor agood Chriftian,but theyweepe to confider the times that once theyhad : therefore let us labour to bewifein the Lord, now while the Faire is, and confider howGod deales with his children ;. Pfal.48.9. wee have thought ofthy name,OLord, in the mid,fl of the table ; It is fpoken there of the goodpefe ofGod towards Zion ; a cupofpoifon, and