The sautes efecguall cal innto thrift. 62 'y and af;toneofflumbling: when he had tpoken of all the bulwarks that God had made, and all the goodneffeand mercy that he had (hewed tohis . people,and themalice and wrathof his enemies, he faith, This God is our God, evenfor ever; as if he had laid, The Lord did provide forhis people in Egypt,andoverthrew proutl Pharaoh,that fet him- felfe up againft Gods and thisGod is our God when thou art in the wildernefie, thisGod is thy God ; when thou art inperfecuti3n, this God is thyGod, and theGodof all : thus he flores up while the feafon talk. And as thou mull obferve what God doth to a. others, fo labour to treafure up thineowneepe- Note this riences : z Tim. 4. 18. Hehash delivered%u, andhee doth,and will deliver ue,faith the Apoftle : and the Prophet David faith, I remember thy judgements of old ; Owell fare a good old flore : i remember, faith he,how thoudidfl rebuke Abimelech, and over- throw Nimrod, and Nebuchadnezar, and Achitophel; Oh it is admirable to confider theft, things : dre- ceived comfort, faith he, God will overthrow every . enemy ;and this is flore for thy faith toworke up- on : Pfal. 89.49. whereare shy former mercies?Da -. vid is afore hand with God now ; he is not corne tobuy food jut} .at the time offamine, but it is laid up before hand. s.Rule. Wemull lay it in abundantly, lay in p r®mites: How to lay in ofall kindes ; you hadbetter leave than lack : and for oar It is the wifdome of a man to have fomewhat to faith.. fpare, and tohave an overplus aforehand, that a man mayno thye feebly and 3 poorely, and be at